Monday, January 12, 2009


This is a Great Word! Let's Stop and think about what we are passionate about. Some have passion for our country. These men and women are called soldiers. Soldiers are willing to fight, bleed and die with a passion for freedom. Some of us may be passionate for our spouse or significant other. We love that person with a deep passion that motivates us to tolerate the mistakes they make. Because we passionately love that person we are willing to forgive and forget. Some may even be passionate about a particular sport. In this neck of the woods, basketball brings passion to a lot of folks. We love to play, watch, and cheer with passion as the Cats are playing. Some of you may have passion for money. The passion that gets you out of bed in the morning comes from the reality of cashing the paycheck at the end of the week.
Each and every thing that we are passionate about requires sacrifice and suffering. One of the original meanings of passion is, " to suffer." I have a passion for golf. Therefore, I sacrifice time and suffer through bad days of playing and practicing in order to obtain my goals.

My true passion is Jesus!!! If he is my true passion, how much am I sacrificing and suffering for him? This is the problem for so many. The "Me Jesus" is fine and expedient. When I want Jesus I can have him. But when the time comes to sacrifice and suffer for him, well I better find another church to attend.
Will we have true Passion for our Lord? Will we rise early in prayer and go to bed late in service? Will we look for ways to serve his people, or will we wait to be served? Will we enforce the discipline it takes to serve our Lord, or are we slaves to our impulses and pleasures? Passionate Christians see a Passionate Lord!!! Non-passionate Christians see a way out!

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