Wednesday, February 4, 2009


No distractions = more time with GOD and family!!! At first Myranda and I were a little uncertain as to what " trailor life" would bring us. The idea of packing all that we have accumulated over our 6+ years of marriage into something that by definiton is " Mobile" frightened us a tad! Ironically it has been amazing for our family. We have lived the past month with no cable or internet. Anything else that has potential to entertain is packed away in a box we can't reach. We haved laghued more, talked more, prayed more, and engaged God's word more. Thank God for the trailor and what it has given our family!!

It's amazing what you hear if you listen. Without the technological distractions, our family has grown closer to the God who speaks. You should try it for a while! GOD STILL SPEAKS, we just have to LISTEN!!!

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